- EF mount; super telephoto lens
- Fluorite and Ultra-low Dispersion-glass; image stabilizer; internal focusing; full-time manual focus
- 600mm focal length
- f/4 maximum aperture
- Micro UltraSonic Motor (USM)
Details: From the Manufacturer An outstanding professional lens for bridging distances in sports, wildlife, and many other applications--including commercial and fashion for the distinct "compressed" telephoto character and totally out-of-focus backgrounds its images can possess. Fluorite and UDglass are combined for incredible image quality, even wide-open. Image Stabilization adds a new dimension in this long lensí usefulness, even in marginal lighting. It works beautifully with both 1.4x II and 2x II extenders, and now focuses as close as 17.5 feet/5.4 m. It has the same weather-resistant gaskets and sealed focusing and focus pre-set rings as Canonís other Image Stabilized super-telephoto lenses. See a Different Dimension A super telephoto lens can make an ordinary scene into an extraordinary one. Its ability to see surpasses that of the human eye. It can compress images and make them look as if they come from another dimension. It opens up new realms of photographic expression. All EF super telephoto lenses are L-series lenses to provide the highest quality. The USM provides quiet and high-speed autofocusing. These lenses promise outstanding delineation and put your imagination to the test.